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There is an incredible opportunity to produce and sell a technology that solves one of the worlds current fundamental issues: Waste destruction without doing more harm to the environment.

Mongans War on Climate Changes addresses this and at the same time produces clean energy in a way that can be delivered to environments, communities and business that would not otherwise have access to this.

We can offer a business model that provides high financial returns but also makes a real tangible difference to our planet’s future.

Mankind is exponentially using the planets precious resources for the ever increasing demand for energy and polluting the planet in the process
The UK alone produces more than 100 million tonnes of waste per annum (source :www.gov.uk)
Globally that figure is more than 2.2 billion tonnes (source: World bank)
300 million tonnes of plastic are produced each year. Sadly, 10% ends up in the sea.
Estimates now put the ratio of plastic to plankton at 1:2.
Waste plastic will outweigh marine life by 2050 if left unchecked.

Nearly all ocean inhabited islands still rely on imported oil for their energy needs, usually averaging 10% to 20% of GDP, thereby making islands finances very vulnerable to oil price surges.
External loans and grants are commonplace.
Yet islands frequently choke with rubbish, generated by the inhabitants or washed up on shoreline in ever increasing volumes. As the third world strives to follow western consumer trends, the volume of plastic waste increases; bottles, bags, packaging, containers.

But this waste can be used for fuel – free fuel. Plastic has a greater energy value per tonne than natural gas. The barrier to date, is most energy to waste systems are expensive, polluting and generally rely on fossil fuels for combustion.
Mongans War on Climate Changes and their soon to be launched product Cyclonox systems can deliver genuine improvements in sustainability to island and river basin communities throughout the globe.


A British invention that will prove to be a Game Changing success story in the battle to solve a global problem of waste, including plastics.
A dynamic new platform technology is coming on stream to eliminate traditional methods of dealing with waste whilst generating electricity together with thermal heating and cooling.

The programme begins with a unique method of pelletising waste to a specific recipe, this factor ensures a consistency of feedstock to ensure a deliverable thermal destruction regime.

The derivation of the design breakthrough is fundamental in the Thermal Oxidisation process which in the presence of a controlled flame in a cyclonic configuration it can achieve temperatures in excess of 1500 celsius. The dwell or residence time within the process is achieved via the cyclonic effect as all particulate commences in the flame in the barrel and systematically travels outside and inside the thimble.
The primary chamber has a grate facility that results in a higher burning rate. The secondary cyclonic chambers ensures higher temperatures are maintained to ensure international emission levels are maintained.
The compact design gives outstanding technical performance coupled to the unique design of generating steam within the unit. The cascading heat exchangers discharge the sub- cooled gases at less than 200 celsius therefore any noxious particulate can be further separated by low cast separation filters.

ROFLOW PYROGEN LIMITED – lauching soon, world beating, world changing, patent pending – solutions to cure! Contact us to learn more.

Company number: 11990563
Incorporation year: 2019